Monday 1.22.79
Daily Lottery: 612 Had Paul Rhodes
Take last two dependents' off. Today went to work And Garry Laver Was parked in my spot So I had to park On opposite end of lot In the truck loading area. Stayed at work with Perry At lunch time. Perry went to McDonalds So I had him bring back A Big Mac and fries
For me also. Not much work to do. Bob in today. Chris was told by Paul P That he was to call Davis When Jim doesn't bring Screens in to do.
Gary Laver was told by Gearhart
That I wanted to see him So he came in lab. I told Garry to tell Gearhart To go F himself. Play daily lottery and lost again. Sure would like to hit one soon. Picked Mary up by
Chamber of Commerce office.
She was shopping
For Dana's birthday. Which is tomorrow.
Francis Bacon,
English author, born 1561;
Lord Byron, English poet, born 1788
Tuesday 1.23.79
Daily Lottery: 164 Went to work this a.m.
About 9.00 a.m. I went down to Bloom Ins And paid quarterly prem. Day was about average for work.
Made slabs on olay (sic). Bob Winslow brought in today. Watched TV in evening
And went to bed.
Edouard Mane, French painter, born 1832;
First radio rescue at sea, 1909
Wednesday 1.24.79
Daily Lottery: 293
Did not feel good
When I woke up
This morning.
Layed back down
And did not get awake
Till 10:30 a.m.
Called Paul P.
And he said he was just
Going to call me to not come in
As there was little work to do.
Went over town
About 3:15 p.m.
Paid A.F. and went to Acme.
Car stopped in middle
Of intersection at Nichols Street.
Daryl pulled me up by Darb's.
We had supper up at Darb's
As it was Shirley's birthday
.Started car and got as far
As Martin Street and it stopped again.
Finally got it parked on 6th Street.
Mary and I walked up home.
Watched TV and went to bed.
Peach said Puddy's '74
Was doing the same thing.
Must try new coil
And condenser.
Gold discovered
in California, 1848;
Edith Wharton,
American novelis, born 1862
Thursday 1.25.79 Daily Lottery: 553
Did not feel good again today.
Got up about 9:30
And then got Chuck up
And sent him after
A coil and condenser
For the '72 car.
Went down and put a can
Of dry gas in
And put the condenser in. Car started And I brought it home. Have to be sure it work ok
Before taking coil back. Went to bed early.
Did not feel good.
Robert Burns;
Scottish poet, born 1759;
Transcontinental telephone service
established in the United States, 1915
Friday 1.26.79
Daily Lottery: 185 OFF
Off sick again today.
Got up at 1:30 p.m.
Still feel bad.
Must be something wrong
As I hurt inside.
Especially when my bowels move.
Electrolux called
As I forgot to send payment.
Took shower and feel a little better.
Mary's new glasses are in.
Chuck and her
Are going to bank
And then up after glasses.
Douglas MacArthur,
American general, born 1880;
Cullinan diamond,
world's largest, found 1905
Saturday 1.27.79
Daily Lottery: 197
Did not feel good today.
Seems like everything I eat
Blows me up.
Took new coil back
And got my money back.
Went down to gas station
And filled up. Cookie, Pud and Dana
Use '72 to go to
DuBois Mall in afternoon.
They said car worked real good.
Watched TV in evening.
Went to bed.
Beth was admitted
To DuBois mental health again.
& Jim was taken
To Maple Avenue Hospital
By the police.
Then they sent him to the DuBois Hospital
And was placed in I.C.U. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Austrian composer, born 1756;
Thomas Edison was granted
the first patent for his incandescent light, 1880
Sunday 1.28.79
Got up about 9
And had breakfast.
Moved all my stuff
Out to the desk
In the laundry room.
Sawed a couple pieces of wood
Just before dark
And started up the wood burner.
Went out and brought Mildred down
For supper and she stayed
And watched T.V.
Till about 11 p.m.
Chas took her home.
I went to bed
And watched T.V. in bed
For a while.
First U.S. telephone exchange opened,
New Haven, Conn., 1878